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“You Can Trust The Man That Died For You”

This past Wednesday, while in WV, one of my morning devotionals contained a truth that has stayed with me this week – “You can trust the Man that died for you.” As I read it, reread it, and thought on that simple truth, I made it personal – “I can trust the Man that died for ME!”

At least three times that day, I either sang or heard the hymn “Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus” (at the senior center sing-along, at my sister’s church that evening as a congregational, on the way back to Mom’s after church on a random cd).

The Lord definitely had a message for me that day – a message I don’t want to forget – a message I need every day:

“Rachel, you can TRUST ME!”

Below is the devotional from Streams in the Desert for August 1st. I pray it will be a blessing to you. Friend, You can trust the Man that died for you!