Courtship/Marriage,  Guarding From Sin,  Holiness,  Love,  Relationships,  The Virtuous Woman,  Waiting

Seeking Love – A Thought For Single Ladies

The girls received a compliment yesterday. They were commended for both nice and modest attire. The one who gave the compliment – a young married lady – emphasized both adjectives, implying that it is indeed possible to dress both fashionably and modestly.

This compliment, as well as recent observations here and there, sparked a conversation between the three of us on this topic of modest apparel. Reading in Jeremiah this morning brought all of this back to my mind. The verse below reminded me of one reason why ladies choose to focus on their outward appearance by dressing immodestly. In doing so, many are seeking love.

Concerning Jeremiah 2:33, one commentator stated, “as a lascivious woman dresses herself out in the best manner to excite the lust and move the affections of her lovers”.

That’s pretty straight-forward, isn’t it?

My dear single lady, if you are seeking love by dressing in a way that draws attention to your body in hopes of “getting a guy”, you may very well get a guy. However, you need to ask yourself –

“Is that the kind of guy I want?”

“Do I really want a husband who was drawn to me because of my immodest apparel?”

Think about that for a minute. If your immodest dress was what attracted him, what will you need to do to keep him? If your immodest dress caught his attention, where will his eyes be every time another immodestly-clothed woman walks by?

Let me stop right here and say this. I do not at all claim to know the exact standards of how a lady should dress. I do not claim to have all the answers in this area. However, if we are saved, we have the Holy Spirit living within us. And, because of that, I believe that if our desire is to dress to please the King of Kings, the Holy Spirit will guide us. I believe with all my heart that a young lady…and middle-aged lady…and older lady who truly desire to dress in a way that would be pleasing to the Lord can stand in front of a mirror and KNOW if there is something too tight, too low, too short, too sheer, etc. Often, I fear the real question would be…

Do I even want to know?

Do I really desire to please the Lord, or, in the case of an unmarried lady, am I afraid of being single the rest of my life and therefore feel I need to “help God out” in this area of getting a guy? (By the way, according to God’s Word, it is the man that is to find the wife. “Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD.” Proverbs 18:22 When a young lady is purposely advertising her body, is she not actively pursuing?)

There are so many other thoughts running through my mind right now on this topic of modesty. I don’t want to get too lengthy this morning so I will close with this thought:

Are you a single lady who is seeking love? May I gently remind you – the Lord knows where you are. You do not have to help Him out one bit by advertising your location through immodest apparel. God knows your heart’s desire for a husband. And, that is a good desire! But, as a Christian, please…please…PLEASE don’t allow yourself to fall into an attitude of desperation while letting your standards slip and therefore attracting and settling for someone less than God’s best for you! If you have trusted the Lord to save you…if you are trusting the Lord in other areas of your life…can you not trust Him in this very important life decision as well? Of course you can!

Today, instead of seeking the love of a man, seek GOD while trusting HIM with your future. He will not fail you!

“And they that know thy name will put their trust in thee: for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek thee.” Psalm 9:10

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