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Some Thoughts On Social Media

“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”  Proverbs 4:23

Reading the above verse this morning brought to my mind once again a subject that has come up several times lately – the effects of social media.

Now, before I go further, I must say that I am in no way condemning social media. I truly believe it can be used as a tool to increase our outreach to the lost as well as encourage and edify the saints. I believe many are using these avenues for this purpose. I also believe it can be a good way to stay in touch with long-distance family and again, I know many use it for this purpose as well. Social media can be a tool that businesses use to reach more customers. Again, this post is not meant to condemn but rather to encourage each of us to define our purpose for using Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc as well as examine the effects it is having on our lives.

Can I just be a little transparent here? A few years back, I had a Facebook account. It took me a good while to take the plunge and sign up but when I finally joined, I did so with a purpose in mind – to attempt to be a light for the Lord. After being on for a little while, I became aware of the blessing of being able to manage my newsfeed (block the posts of individuals). I don’t say that to be mean. But, I began to realize the negative effect all these posts were having on me. I also began to realize my own weaknesses more and more.

From my own experience, please allow me to share:

Social media allows us to see what is happening in the lives of our “friends”. Sometimes this is ok. Sometimes, as mentioned above concerning long-distance families, it is a blessing…a treat…an enjoyment!  But, too often, it is just too much. In this day and time, I’m afraid we just know way too much about one another. How can that affect us negatively?

Instead of God’s Word being our Final Authority, we can begin to be tempted and eventually justify our own disobedience “because so-and-so is doing it…and they’re a good Christian, a leader in their church, etc”. Oh my, how many young Christians have become casualties because of the so-called “liberty” of older Christians being selfishly flaunted in front of them?

Instead of our one desire being to please God only, our new goal is to see how many “likes” we get on that last post – only to experience that disheartened feeling when it just wasn’t quite as popular as we thought would be. 😉

Instead of being blissfully ignorant of an individual’s shortcomings, our eyes are opened to “how they really live”. As a result, if we are not careful, we can become discouraged in our own walk with the Lord.

Instead of being desirous to hear from our Dearest Friend each morning, we are prone to rush through our quiet time…in order to see the latest in the lives of our “friends”.

Instead of strengthening the relationships of those who live with us…who go to church with us, we are more interested in what is going on in the lives of our social media “friends”.

Oh, many other things could be said. Truthfully, if we are not careful, social media can be an addiction. If we can’t be content to go without checking our accounts for a month…a week…even a day, we are probably addicted. As adults, as in any other area of our lives, if we choose to go the route of social media, we must learn to govern…to parent ourselves in this area. Who is in control? Today, could we walk away from our source of social media and not have withdrawals? Seriously. What would cause us more grief? To go without reading our Bible for a week? Or, to go without checking our newsfeed?

There are certain aspects of Facebook that I have missed. And, there have been times that I have toyed with creating a new account. I have considered other avenues as well. Some of my readers know that, following my husband’s advice, the posts from this website go to my Twitter account. Again, this article is not meant to condemn any individuals who have these accounts. From my own experience, I know that being on social media requires much self-discipline. It requires being honest with ourselves concerning what we can and cannot handle.

I received an article yesterday evening via email and it contained an excerpt from Pastor Paul Chappell’s booklet, “The Blessings and Pitfalls of Social Networking”. In this booklet, he names some potential pitfalls of social media:

Bragging and Focusing on Self

Creation of a False Identity

Time Wasting and Distraction

Communication Interruptions


Lack of Christ-Centered Discussion

The Public Nature of Posts


Potential for Improper Male/Female Relationships

Danger of Sexual Predators

Associations with the Wrong Crowd

Online Philosophy Becomes Reality

Becoming a Stumbling Block


As I read the above, the same thought that often comes to my mind as a mother is this – “What kind of example will I set for my children?

From this same article (written by Evangelist Paul Mershon), the author himself lists some thought-provoking questions that each of us would be wise to ask ourselves concerning social media:

Does my participation honor and glorify God? (I Corinthians 10:31)

Is it a wise use of the precious gift of time? (Psalm 90:10;12)

Can I do it in Jesus’ Name? (Colossians 3:17)

Is it necessary?

Does it profit me spiritually?

Does it profit others spiritually?

Is my participation a stumbling block of offense to others? (Romans 14:13)

Does my participation have eternal value?

Does it strengthen my walk with God?

Are you seeking to glorify God or self? (John 3:30 – Galatians 2:20)

Does social media lead you into sin? (Psalm 101:3)

Do people see the light of Christ in you based on your posts? (Matthew 5:16)

Is the social media your master – are you “addicted” to it? (I Corinthians 6:12)

Does the use of social media help you renew your mind in God’s truth? (Romans 12:2)

Do you value social media interactions more than real-life relationships?

Does social media make you a healthier and more productive person?

Do you have wrong relationships through social media you should not be involved in?

Do you use social media to create a false image of who you really are?

Do you understand that once you post anything about yourself you cannot take it back?

Does the use of social media hurt your testimony for Christ?

Do you post photographs that are inappropriate for a child of God?

Are you constantly checking Facebook for new posts?

Has the social media become an “idol” to you?


If we are genuinely concerned about our own spiritual well-being as well as those around us, both of these excerpts, I believe, are worthy of careful and prayerful consideration.

“What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God’s.” I Corinthians 6:19,20

“I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me. A froward heart shall depart from me: I will not know a wicked person. Whoso privily slandereth his neighbour, him will I cut off: him that hath an high look and a proud heart will not I suffer. Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me: he that walketh in a perfect way, he shall serve me.” Psalm 101:3-6 


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