Parenting/Children,  Relationships,  Teaching

Actions Speak Louder Than Words – for Children AND Adults

“Even a child is known by his doings, whether his work be pure, and whether it be right.” Proverbs 20:11

In my Bible, beside the above verse, I have written – “actions speak louder than words”.  It is a good reminder, first of all, that even children should be held accountable for their actions – their “doings” – their “work”.

But, if a child is known by his doings, how much more an adult!  As parents, we must be very careful that our words match our actions. I believe I have said it before but it bears repeating – the old saying, “do as I say, not as I do” will not go very far at all. Before long, children will see the inconsistency…the hypocrisy in our lives.

Yes, we do much instruction with our words. But we must be sure that our words are in agreement with our walk. If we are dishonest in our “adult world”, how can we demand truthfulness in a child? If we are easily angered in our “adult world”, how can we justly punish a child who throws temper tantrums? If we are selfish in our “adult world”, how can we reprimand a child who will not share?  If we are harboring bitterness in our “adult world”, how can we ask a child to forgive? If we are not content in our “adult world”, how can we scold a child who is always wanting something? If we are not thankful in our “adult world”, how can we rightly be grieved over a child who never shows gratitude? If we are careless with our words in our “adult world”, how can we expect a child to speak kindly? And the list goes on…

Bottom line, if we are not faithful to God and the principles found in His Word in our daily lives, how can we expect our children to be faithful to Him? Do we love Him? Do we read His Word? Do we make His Word our guideline for living? Do we speak of Him? Do we talk to Him? Do we strive to live for Him?

Actions really do speak louder than words. I was reminded of this truth again this morning when looking ahead to tomorrow’s Proverb:

“Hear, O my son, and receive my sayings; and the years of thy life shall be many. I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths.”  Proverbs 4:11,12 

OUR WORDS – “I have taught thee…”

OUR WALK – “I have led thee…”

By God’s grace, let’s live a life of consistency in front of our children as well as others whom we may be influencing.

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